Monday, April 1, 2019

Gentle Sway

For some people, inspiration can be hard to find. I personally believe that inspiration can be found anywhere. If you are creative enough, you can write about any topic. The whole goal of writing, in my opinion, is to enable the reader to experience the feelings that you experienced while writing it. Sometimes when I need to relax, I hike in the woods and leave society behind for awhile. I have written this poem on one such hike when I was bewildered by nature around me. I happened to get inspiration from a large oak tree standing alone upon a hill.

Gentle Sway by Brandon Shaffer

One lively tree sways in the breeze.
Mother bear lay on furry knees.
Lingering far below the sky
Bear prays that her cub does not die.

There is a colossal tree that scholars say
Can spiritually light the darkest way.
The wisest men of yesterday
Are asinine to Gentle Sway.

Through many ages of fiend and man
Gentle Sway conquers time again.
Although Sway is growing old,
His wisdom never ceases to unfold.
His limbs reach intently to the sky.
Bark surrounds his ever watchful eye.
His leaves, vibrant green as jade,
Sway's life force shall never fade.

Into the forest, man and beast alike
Travel far from metaphorical fyke.
Breaking from their routine day,
They venture to the tree named "Gentle Sway."
Just as the old behemoth shall eternally thrive,
Sway coaxed bear cub to survive. 

Though many are prudent, in a way,
None are as wise as Gentle Sway.


Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts

"Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts" by Brandon Shaffer Due to my efforts to forgive an forget, I've been trapped in a ...